Thursday, March 28, 2019

Top Technology Trends in 2018-19

With technology’s ever growing process these days, there is no surprise on my end of the latest technology trends for the classroom! Below are six educational technology trends that is discussed in the article, “Top 6 Educational Technology Trends Right Now”.

  1. Custom Learning Experiences – Accommodations for those who had limits to their education or were at a different level of education was not possible in the past (when it came to technology). Mobile apps development for education has created a new way for students to have need-based learning. The article even states that a junior surgeon can now seek guidance for a procedure during an operation!
  2. Cloud Computing – We have all heard of “the cloud” ever since Apple came out with their products. Cloud computing has made it to where information can be accessed anytime, anywhere. For example, you can read a book and collaborate with your students/other teachers about homework through any device at any time.
  3. Speech-To-Text Options – I’m sure we are all familiar with Apple’s Siri. This is the exact example of a speech-to-text option. Note taking and writing is easier and fast-paced with this function.
  4. Virtual and Augmented Learning Experiences – Known as VR and AR, learners can literally immersive themselves into an app (without moving their entire body). There are a plethora of apps that makes learning fun and hands-on with these experiences.
  5. 3D Printing – This is also known as prototyping. 3D printers give students the ability to learn with a physical experience. Students can shape their idea of a project with a 3D printer. This technological trend allows students to unleash their imagination and creativity.
  6. Learning Analytics – The ever rising volume of education information and data created what is now known as learning analytics. This function makes it easier for teachers to assess and evaluate student involvement, traction and learning output.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Wearable Technology (WT)

The Smart Cane

This new WT was developed by researchers at the University of Malaga (UMA) in Spain. The smart cane is supposed to provide important information while the individual uses their cane. The information that the smart cane gathers is relevant to their rehabilitation process. While the individual is walking with the cane, the cane will monitor the weight-bearing while walking. The cane works by, “embedding pressure sensors placed at two different depths in the tip of a regular cane so that they don’t affect cane ergonomics” (Russey, 2019). The smart cane has a wireless charger and data can be collected by a mobile phone via Bluetooth. The smart cane is also low cost and promotes active ageing.

Video on Smart Cane for the Elderly:

Smart Fabric

Researchers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have constructed a fabric made from that can release heat and trap heat. The yarn used is from synthetic yarn and “includes a carbon nanotube coating that activates by temperature and humidity” (Russey, 2019). If the conditions outside are warm and/or humid, the fabric will release heat. When conditions are cool and dry, the fabric will trap heat. 

The base yarn has two different synthetic threads, one absorbs water and the other repels water. The strands are coated with a special type of lightweight, carbon-based, conductive metal called carbon nanotubes (Russey, 2019). At this time the fabric is not being sold. In order for the fabric to hit the stores, more work is needed.

Video discussing Smart Fabric:

Friday, March 1, 2019


Newsela is a data base that includes various articles related to current events. There are many different themes included such as: Arts, Science, Health, Law, etc. The best thing about Newsela, in my opinion, is that it is student friendly. As a teacher, you can create a profile on Newsela and add your students to the class. After this is done, you can assign articles for students to read and take quizzes on submit a writing prompt. You can also adjust the reading level of an article for your students. 

This website is a great tool for students to stay up to date on current events while reading at their grade level. This website also encourages researching and understanding news articles.

Below is a screenshot of the home page when you first log in to Newsela: