Monday, February 4, 2019

Augmented Reality in Education

As a child, I can remember sitting in the planetarium on a field trip and being in awe at the constellations before me. I was excited to find an AR app called Star Walk – Explore the Sky. This app is an interactive guide to the night sky. You just point your phone up to the sky (or towards the ceiling of your living room, as I did) and you will see all of the constellations before you. The app covers celestial bodies, thousands of stars, the planets, and other sky objects. It’s almost like your own personal planetarium in your hand. The age recommended on the app states 4+. I feel to really grasp the information and read the description of the constellations, etc. third grade would be most suitable to use this app.

I feel that this app would be awesome in the classroom because the student would have their own control over their view of the night sky. Like I previously stated, it would be their own personal planetarium in their hands.

Below are two screenshots of me using the app.

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