Sunday, February 3, 2019

What are Virtual and Augmented Realities?

Virtual Reality – Also known as VR, virtual reality is best described as a computer generated simulation or replacement of one’s environment. VR in a nutshell is mental teleportation. The origins of VR trace back to 1962 and includes a filmmaker named Mort Heilig. Heilig created a 3D like machine that would show city streets with wind blowing in your face and smells of the city. This idea, although revolutionary, did not take off. Many feel the godfather of VR displays was a man named Ivan Sutherland, an MIT computer scientist. He created the first virtual headset. VR did not take off until presently, and it is used by gamers, 3D artists, architects and real estate agents, teachers, students and astronauts.

Augmented Reality – Also known as AR, augmented reality is best described as mixed reality. The main purpose of AR is to cut out the real world and transport you to another one. Your environment is supplemented or augmented, and it adds to your existing reality. You may be familiar with AR based on the apps Pokemon Go or Snapchat (the use of filters).  

In conclusion, VR tends to be immersive, and the user feels they are in another place. AR is an addition to the user’s world. AR and VR changes the perceptions and processes of the human mind in an obvious way. By 2025, AR and VR will be something that is common in our society.

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