Tuesday, April 16, 2019

RealSense Technology

RealSense technology feature 3D cameras that include three lenses, a 2D Camera for regular photos and videos, and an infrared camera/laser projector. The infrared part of the camera is use to see distance between objects. The infrared part also separates objects from the background layers so that there is better facial and gesture recognition. These cameras also feature front-facing, rear-facing and snapshot.

So, what does this mean for images, gesture control, video, scanning 3D images and collaborating?

RealSense is great at scanning faces and turning them into something else. There is an app called FaceShift that will scan and replace your real face with an avatar during a video chat. The app mimics all facial gestures. However, if you stick your tongue out, it will not detect this since it doesn’t scan the inside of your mouth.

Intel has also come out with a prototype tablet that can scan people’s torsos and then 3D print them on a crystal paperweight! See the picture below.

Another app named Personify, will automatically remove the background and replace it with a graphic or a white space. RealSense depth-sensors help with this feature.

The RealSense Snapshot camera adds depth information to any photo that it takes. For example, you can take a picture and measure the distance between two points by drawing a line with your finger. The software will also tell you the radius of objects in the picture. There are also features of photo layer editing and focusing.

RealSense has completely transformed the way we use cameras. This software is historical in a way because we are able to use technology more intimately now than we ever were in the past.

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