Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Top Hat & Nearpod

Top Hat
Price: 1 semester = $26
           1 year = $36
           4 years = $75
Price: Silver Package = free
           Gold Package = $120/year per teacher
Features: Free access to textbooks, free assignments, upload slides easily, add interactive questions, launch polls, mark attendance, BYOD to sync to app in class
Features: Polls, slide shows, interactive quizzes, virtual field trips, assign homework, add last minute activities
Notes: $10 for tests, fees are for students, professors are free
Notes: Fees are for the teachers to pay

Top Hat and Nearpod are both educational apps that are great to use in the classroom. Top Hat seems to appeal more towards a college or university class. Nearpod is geared towards elementary or secondary grades.

Top Hat has an interesting feature that allows the professor of a classroom to take a view of the class and the app will automatically take roll. The app also allows the students to use the discussion feature as the professor is going over notes. Students can also use the discussion feature anonymously, and the professor can sync your device with the lecture so that you can move along with the lecture as it is being taught. All tests and assignments can be integrated throughout the app. Another great feature is that textbooks are uploaded for free (with the exception of the app price), so that a student can access this material any time.

Nearpod allows a teacher to have access to thousands of lesson plans. This app is an interactive classroom tool that engages students with lessons. Teachers can create presentations, quizzes, polls, videos, images, drawing boards and web content.

Both apps seem fairly similar. However, they are geared toward different audiences.

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